Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I don't even know what that means really - I'm such an old lady. But apparently I must answer 4 questions and answer them I shall, to the best of my ability.

(1) Number of books you own: Motherfucker! Why the fuck ya gotta ask me this? Does this include trade paperbacks? Fucking A, hang on... 368 books in my office, additional 384 graphic novels. These numbers do not reflect my kid's books (probably an additional 100), random books around the house (maybe another 10-20), or any books that were packed up and shoved in the attic (no idea how many).

(2) Last book bought: Sorry Everybody, they sent me two copies so if I ever meet you, you can ask for the extra.

(3) Last book I read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

(4) Five books that mean a lot to me: 1. Transmetropolitan trades, because we need a Spider Jerusalem in real life and barring such a creature I will just have to read about him. 2. Harry Potter series, because it got me reading books again after a long hiatus. 3. Lord of the Rings series, because I hated The Hobbit and liked them much more. 4. Mindhunter, because I love true crime. 5. Frog and Toad Together, because I made my mommy read it to me over and over and over.

There! Done!


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